Message from the Chair at Beaulieu Village Hall
Seasoned greetings to you all, Beaulieu village residents, visitors, friends and strangers.
It probably doesn’t look like much has changed on the surface (apart from the telephone number on the sign by the door) in fact if anything it may appear to our regular users to be a little worse. Water rising up through the wooden floor on the night of the high autumn tide was not high on our bucket list of urgent things to attend to.
I’m not going to mention the boiler other than “it’s not the boiler that’s at fault”, OK?
But we honestly have been very busy behind the scenes and lots of planning, information gathering and restructuring is going on to make your village hall sustainable, inflation busting, adaptable, flexible, appealing, and better equipped to be supportive of the wider New Forest community for the long term.
Anyway enough of our woes, trials and tribulations.
We wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, a big thank you for all the patience and support. We look forward to a very exciting 2025 with balls, dances, exhibitions, speakers, films, shows, productions, craft fairs, young farmer’s markets, pot luck suppers and health and wellness opportunities. Oh yes and the return of The Beaulieu Village Victorian Christmas .
Lots of festive love
Tony (Chairman), Doc (Secretary and Manager) and The Trustees