Beaulieu Village Hall – Terms and conditions
Thank you for booking Beaulieu Village Hall for your event. We very much hope that you enjoy using this community asset and would ask you to take time to read and sign the copy of this to acknowledge that you understand the terms of the rental.
If you have any problems please contact 07884 070592
- You are responsible, as the hirer, for ensuring that you comply with the legal and other requirements associated with its use:
- The Hall is licensed for use by 100 people if seated and 120 for an event with no seating.
- If alcohol is being served, a TENS License must be obtained and a copy given to the Bookings Secretary. Hirer will be responsible for obtaining the licence and conforming to its terms.
- No music to be played after 11.30pm. The level of noise must not exceed 88 decibels. No amplification equipment may be used unless fitted with sound limiting equipment.
- The Hall must be vacated by midnight or at the end of the period of booking.
- You must observe Betting Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963.
- You must not allow dogs or other livestock into the Hall.
- Both entrance doors to be kept unlocked at all times when the Hall is in use and to be used as Fire Exists.
- The gangways and exits must not be obstructed.
- You must ensure that there is no misuse of fire extinguishers.
- All decorations to be fireproof and removed by hirer at end of letting. No pins, nails, blutack or adhesive tape may be used on walls, ceilings or curtains.
- Please take special care of the wooden floor and do not damage it by dragging chairs or tables across it. Chairs should be stacked in piles of 6 by colour (i.e. orange or black) at far end of hall. A trolley may be used to carry piles of chairs.
- Hirer to ensure orderly car parking and avoidance of obstruction. Hirer responsible for good behaviour and prevention of excessive noise in and around the Hall.
- No smoking is permitted in this Hall.
- Please bring your own mobile phone. In case of emergency, there is a public callbox on Beaulieu High Street.
- Fire exits – Please read information displayed on the notice board. There are several clearly marked fire escape doors, please do not block them with chairs, table or other items.
- First aid kit can be found on wooden table onside kitchen together with accident book
- No children allowed in kitchen
- We supply china, cutlery and cruets for your event. There are also white cups, saucers, main plates, side plates, bowls, jugs and large teapots. There are also full sets of knives and forks etc. Please let us know how many settings you will require.
Separate instructions are attached for the use of the Hall equipment. Please take good care of the equipment. The school uses it every day for school lunches.
ON NO ACCOUNT USE ANY OF THE SCHOOL’S EQUIPMENT as they have been sterilised and will be a FOOD SAFETY HAZARD to the children if used. Thank you.
The large white fridge by the door is for Village Hall use so please feel free to use it.
- Please bring your own glasses, saucepans, cooking equipment and MOST IMPORTANTLY rubbish bags. You will also need to bring drying up cloths, washing up liquid, floor cleaner and washing up gloves (to remove filter in dishwasher) etc.
- After your event please
- Stack the tables outside the hall and the chairs in neat piles on the edge of the main floor. Please remember not to drag anything across it.
b. Use the brushes, mop and bucket etc., which can be found in the cupboard by the glass doors into the main hall. A vacuum cleaner is also available so that you can ensure that the carpets are left free of debris.
c. Empty the fridge; clean the kitchen, putting all plates, cutlery etc. away and cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces.
- Check that the loos are tidy.
If you would do not want to take away your rubbish please contact the bookings clerk as Green Commercial bags are available at £3 each.
e. Check that all lighting, kitchen electrical equipment and heating have been switched off before you leave.
- Every booking requires a deposit, which will cover any cleaning, and damage costs associated with your booking. If in the opinion of a member of the Hall Committee there has been a breach of any of the above regulations, the deposit will be forfeited.
- The Hall Committee does not accept any liability for the goods of hirers of third parties brought into the Hall.
Please sign below to signify that you understand and accept these terms:
Date of Hire: _______________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________
Organisation (if appropriate ) _______________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________
Tel: _____________________________________________________
If you have any questions please call 07884 070592
Thank you again for using the Hall
Have a good time!
Basic instructions for the use of the Kitchen Equipment
Cooker and warming plates
As you walk into the kitchen on your left is a grey/yellow/red mains switch. Turn this to the right as far as it will go until it says ‘on’. This connects the electricity to the oven and warming plate. On both the cooker and warming plate there are green switches to run them on, turn each one to ‘1’. Then use the appropriate switches to get the temperature you require for the oven, hob, or warming plates. Please remember to turn all switches back to ‘off’ or ‘0’.
The surface has a special coating which must not be damaged.
Hot water to sink taps
There is a white pull switch above the sink. Gently pull this and the light on ceiling will come on and sink hot water will be available. At end of hire, please turn off.
Hot water heater for tea/coffee etc.
This takes about 20/30 minutes to heat water up and then will provide you with instant boiling water. Turn on at the wall and then on again at the front of the water heater.
This is a commercial high-speed dishwater that operates slightly differently to domestic dishwashers so please follow these instructions carefully.
- No children to be allowed in kitchen. Dishwasher detergent is toxic and dangerous
- On the wall behind the water heater there is an orange switch. Turn this to ‘1’.
- Make sure the white filters at bottom of machine are correctly in place (they only fit in one way).
- Press first button on left between lights on panel and leave to heat up for 20 minutes before using.
- Load dishes and push the button on right next to blue light, to start the dishwater. It should take up to ten minutes to complete the cycle.
- When the centre light goes off it is ready to empty dishes. Note that the water remains in the bottom.
- To empty water, wearing gloves, take out filters and plugs. Shut door and depress 1st Button then press button next to blue light to empty.
- Clean any residue and replace plugs and filters.
- Finally, please make sure you turn the orange switch back to ‘O’.
as it becomes a health hazard if left
Electric serving hatch shutter
On the wall next to the cooker and plate warmer mains switch is the switch to turn on the shutter. Plug in and turn on like a normal switch. To the right higher up is the button to make the shutter open and shut. Keep your finger on the top of the button to open. To close the shutter, keep your finger on the bottom of the button. When you have finished using the shutter please return the shutter to the closed position and turn off and unplug.
Switches for the Xpelair are on wall next to white fridge.
Controls are located in the hallway. Press switch and red light will appear. Heating will remain on for ½ an hour until red light goes off (when it automatically turns itself off). You will need to press it again if you require further heat.
Back door
You can exit the back door from the kitchen by simply turning the handle, but note that when it shut you cannot unlock this door from the outside.
Before you leave – Please check that you have turned everything off